the crew was handed down to me on November 1st 2000, and i ushered in the forth generation of ZULU KINGS taking it from just the bronx and manhatten, but to every single continant on the planet making it the first ever INTERNATIONAL zulu chapter and at 145 members world wide the biggest.
We have made alot of noise, but no shine in the world for us individualy is higher than the name itself, and those brothers who started ZULU KINGS.
with that said, on Nov. 10th 2011, THE MIGHTY ZULU KINGS WORLD WIDE (4th generation zk) honored our first, second, and 3rd generation forefathers with awards. for the first time in history, representatives all 4 generations were united.
Zulu Kingz Awards Universal - 38th Universal Zulu Nation Anniversary from MK-1 on Vimeo.